Through blood, sweat, and determination



And save the planet.


At age 13, living in Saint Ann, Jamaica, I was sent on a journey. 

Through blood, sweat, and determination, I set my mission to find and gather kind, patient, loyal, honest, courageous, friendly, compassionate creative people and lead them home to Jamaica.

To collaborate with the Jamaican people and share knowledge about the creative industries and the opportunities within it. 

The Pitch Fanzine’s media network includes investors, leaders in the creative industries, brand founders, AI creatives, marketers, agency executives, strategists, commercial directors, writers, journalists, editors, VFX artists, filmmakers, animators, illustrators, content creators, photographers, producers, sound designers, graphic designers, art directors, copywriters, makers, activists, and creators at global brands, advertising agencies, design companies, production companies, animation companies, edit suites, post houses, sound studios, talent agencies, creative award bodies, and universities.

A 30-year journey. 

Jamaica, we see you. 

We are inclusive super creative people with the power to create a sustainable world. 

Time, to create our new futures. 

We are in a knowledge-sharing revolution.

Best wishes,

Sherry Collins ( us )

Ms. Collins


Sherry-Ann Collins


London, English (her)

JamAican Freedom Fighter

Fighting for the creative freedom of the Jamaican peopledem and The Pitch Fanzine’s inclusive super creative network.™

Powered by Dad’s Life Medicine.

Watch on Pitch TV.

Pitch Knowledge and Learning Creative Summit 2024.

Call her, Kenisha.

I am a Black woman.


Sherry Collins