Call her, Kenisha.
Call her, Kenisha.
From age 6 to 13, I lived in Saint Ann, Jamaica, and visited the local herbalist with my dad whenever the island was in crisis, after a hurricane, or when we felt ill.
Walking in the early morning mist through the winding path to a small house with a flowery garden.
Bathing in cannabis, drinking the herbal tea and staring into space, I repeated my vision over and over.
“Call her, Kenisha.”, our herbalist said to Dad.
“Call her, Kenisha.”
Walking home, I held my dad’s hand while he stopped at our neighbours’ and shared the news:
“Call her, Kenisha.”
“Call her, Kenisha.”
“Call her, Kenisha.”
My childhood stories, Life Lessons Learned, about growing up in Saint Ann, Jamaica, are being developed into an animation film series that will create jobs and opportunities for the Jamaican people in perpetuity.
Call her, Kenisha.
Best wishes,
Sherry-Ann Collins, I am her.
Sherry Collins
Ms. Collins
London, English
Jamaican Freedom Fighter, for the people.
The birth of a Freedom Fighter.
Fighting for the creative freedom of the Jamaican peopledem and The Pitch Fanzine’s inclusive Super Freedom Fighters.™
Powered by Dad’s Life Medicine and AI.
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Pitch Futures CIC. Inspire the young, our future creative talent.
I am a confident Black woman.
I will die happy knowing that our people are free.