Revolution in 11 steps.



And save the planet.


Revolution in 11 steps.

Step 1: Develop your mission and vision for the future world in which you would like to live. 

Step 2: Believe in yourself. Research and find the new beginning; mark it with an X.

Step 3: Share your vision with everyone you meet and how they can be part of it.

Step 4: Take your time to find the right collaborators who see the opportunities for all involved and the greater good. 

Step 5: Keep yourself on a bootstrap budget and plan revenue streams for you, your peopledem, and the world.

Step 6: Champion yourself and other people creating good for the planet.

Step 7: Be kind to everyone you meet on your journey.  

Step 8: Share ideas and listen. Patience is the key.

Step 9: Wait as long as you can, then go through with your peopledem

Step 10: Show your peopledem the gold. 

Step 11: Create a sustainable world through collaborations.

Revolution in 11 steps.

We are inclusive super creative people with the power to create a sustainable world. 

Time, to create our new futures. 

We are in a knowledge-sharing revolution.

Best wishes,

Sherry Collins ( us )

Ms. Collins


Sherry-Ann Collins


London, English (her)

JamAican Freedom Fighter

Fighting for the creative freedom of the Jamaican peopledem and The Pitch Fanzine’s inclusive super creative network.™

Powered by Dad’s Life Medicine.

Watch on Pitch TV.

Pitch Knowledge and Learning Creative Summit 2024.

Call her, Kenisha.

I am a Black woman.


Sherry Collins