Pitch Alumni - Barnabas Wilhelm

Director Barnabas Wilhelm featured in Pitch 001

Director Barnabas Wilhelm featured in Pitch 001


HP Indigo

Director Barnabas Wilhelm’s life and career changing moment, after 10 years living in London, came while on a week-long trip to Berlin, in the summer of 2016. 

He had one day to decide whether to head home or stay, after a room at a friend’s place became available. 

The decision to live in Berlin kickstarted a project in Haiti, which led to another film in Vienna, which led to a global campaign for one of his biggest clients, HP, resulting in a further five films for the tech giant in one year.

He says, “What I loved about these projects was the storytelling, the challenge of creating something genuine, authentic and cinematic and the unorthodox way they were made, as in most cases there was no agency involved or even clients on set.”

Since HP he’s worked with Vorwerk, Tchibo and Arm & Hammer among others. 

Still living in Berlin, Barnabas says this year he’s itching to make a music video.

Check out his work here.

Sherry Collins