Our natural beauty


Time to get ourselves super ready.

Black women, let’s talk about our natural beauty.

We are naturally beautiful. 

Look back at your baby photos and pictures of you as a kid. 

Beautiful innit?

Skin smooth, lovely, and glowing. 

Hair oiled and platted up with colourful bows and clips. 

In our bestest, pressed dress, fresh socks, and polished shoes. 

Looking so sweet. 

Then we get to secondary school and start trying out a thing. 

Perming and cutting our hair. 

Painting our naturally glowing skin with loads of make-up, we have never needed.

Going to hair salons and talking about our holidays to those trained to upsell us more plastic-bottle-filled stuff, instead of sitting in front of our mum’s, sister’s, cousin’s, and friend’s knees chatting to our heart’s content, while getting our washed hair oiled and braided up. 

Having honest conversations and being offered straight-up advice by people who really care about us. 

Real goodness for our mental health.

About our natural beauty, it starts from our crown down to our toes. Walk into any room and own it. 

Our natural beauty is our superpower. 

Having that back, thanks.

Best wishes,

Kenisha (her / us)

Sherry-Ann Collins

Sherry Collins 

Jamaican Freedom Fighter

Fighting for the creative freedom of the Jamaican peopledem.™


Sherry Collins