Jamaica, time for the new beginning.



And save the planet.


Jamaica, time for the new beginning.  

Jamaica, mi deh yah.

I am me-di-a.

My mission is to Free Jamaica and free the world creatively from mental slavery. 

And save the planet. 

Share knowledge about the creative industries and the opportunities available within it.

We are bringing The Pitch Fanzine’s inclusive super creative people and Jamaica’s creative talent together to co-produce projects for Pitch TV and Pitch Futures.

Creating jobs, training, mentorship, and investments in the UK and Jamaica’s creative industries: film, animation, music, media, and technology. 

Sharing our stories with the world. 

Jamaica, time for the new beginning. 

We are in a knowledge-sharing revolution

Best wishes,

Sherry Collins ( us )

Ms. Collins


Sherry-Ann Collins


London, English (her)

Jamaican Freedom Fighter

Fighting for the creative freedom of the Jamaican peopledem and The Pitch Fanzine’s inclusive super creative network.™

Powered by Dad’s Life Medicine.

Watch on Pitch TV.

Pitch Knowledge and Learning Summit 2025

Call her, Kenisha.

Pitch Futures CIC. Inspire the young, our future creative talent.

I am a Black woman.


Sherry Collins