It’s not ok for someone to walk up to your desk at work and spit in the bin next to you, is it? 

That’s gross, right?

The clearing of the gravelly throat. The wet, soggy, drippy, wet mess spat out, followed by the wiping of stringy spit off the mouth with the back of the hands. 

That’s nasty, innit?

Thought so. 

Especially when there is a toilet across the hall. 

Well, that was the moment when I said, “Nope, that’s definitely not a thing.” Then I called it out to those in charge. 

It was a prime example of a little micro-aggression. 

Next day two new people who looked like me were hired.

It’s been quite lovely watching their career progress from afar over the years. 

I think it was great that the incident was dealt with swiftly.

What I couldn’t understand though was why the individual kept working there too and for years after. 

I however walked soon after that. 

The thought of working in a hostile environment. No thank you. 

Who wants that?

Best wishes,

Sherry Collins (her / us)

Sherry Collins