I spent six years going around adland meeting with you, the community.
What did I learn?
I learned that you want real change for the better, but getting there will take a long, long time unless we have one vision.
What that will be, will be up to you.
You are smart.
You are clever.
You are creative people.
And you do already have the answers.
You want more diverse talent, so you can have more original and interesting ideas?
Well, do that then.
It’s simple really.
Mentor and develop.
And once that talent comes on board, please do hire more than one.
What has also been reconfirmed is that when one Black person is on a team, we are very rarely our true selves, as we adapt for those around us. Hiding ourselves, our culture, our multi-accents.
All those real-life experiences and talent missed.
It’s time for no more talent missed.
Let’s start by creating an environment where all talent can be their true selves.
As everyone will benefit.
It’s time to create real change together.
Best wishes,
Sherry Collins
(her / us)