Taya Luka, Future Creative
Editing has been an interest of mine for quite some time. I would apply it to everything in my life. Often, I have found myself drafting and redrafting speeches in my head to find the perfect thing to say. From a young age, I realised that I liked to write, draw and program. During my childhood, I would create characters whose stories would live in my head for a few months. I would draw and redraw the same characters until they were perfect and then I would create new ones. From the age of eight, I would use a coding program called Scratch to create and publish games for these characters.
In 2018, after being sent to America for a month to stay with my grandparents, I had a new interest. I wanted to have a popular Instagram account. After some planning, I started to edit my Instagram. I had the standard account of a teenage girl – endless mirror selfies taken at Urban Outfitters, pictures of my coffees and so, so, so many dogs.
I became determined. I did my research on the algorithm at the time, hashtags and peak activity and found the perfect formula for popularity. It worked, and across about three months I went from having 1,500 followers to having 12,000. I was the brand that I was marketing. The year passed and I became bored with it (I deleted it this year); I knew exactly how to create a popular Instagram account and now I was looking for something else. As I finished my GCSEs and prepared for sixth form I realised that I had a passion. I liked setting myself small tasks and doing my research in order to achieve them.
I was a teenager and my interest in these small tasks would last for a few months and then dispel. I wondered what type of career suited me.
My mother suggested that I explore the media industry as a creative. We found a film college called Elam, East London Arts and Music. As soon as I entered I felt at home. Detailing the practical aspects of the course, a tour guide at the college explained why it was perfect for me. We would work in groups of four or five people on a project for a month or so, and then we would produce the finished product (a music video, short film or documentary). Then we would move on. Done. There was no time to get bored and it was so perfect.
At Elam, I found my passion; Editing. Everyone going into a film school assumes that directing is the only valuable role. It isn't - I believe that the most exciting role is always the role of the editor. They get to decide how the piece is delivered, what the audience sees, the finished product.
After finishing with a Merit, I obtained an unconditional place at UAL where I will do the same thing on a larger scale. I will create characters, stories and experiences as an editor and videographer. I will create beautiful and interesting experiences and I will never be bored.
Taya Luka
Thank you Taya for sharing your story.
If you would like to be connected to Taya as a potential mentor or to offer opportunities, please email me, her Career Advisor, at storyletters@thepitchfanzine.com.
As per last week, our future creative talent, and also those out there right now seeking opportunities, will be sharing their stories. Our storytellers will be looking for mentors, some guidance and connections to help them on their merry way in our industry.
Let’s create change together.
Best wishes,
Sherry Collins
P.S. A warm welcome to our new talent network, joining us from this week. They’ve caught up.