Yaardcore / Photography by @Yaardcore

Yaardcore / Photography by @Yaardcore

While different countries are figuring out their positions on either side of the plant medicine vs party drug divide, Jamaica continues to enjoy worldwide recognition as a source of the great herb. What many don’t know is that while the rest of the world holds high regard for our local ganja cultivations, many on the island are deeply bothered and dismissive of this weed-smoking reputation. 

In my time introducing Itopia Life to Jamaica, what I’ve enjoyed most are the opportunities to creatively bust stereotypes. I’ve had real fun commissioning cartoons, painting murals and hosting reasoning sessions. Recently, as a response to Covid lockdown we spearheaded a Get Growing campaign, teaming with influencers to inspire fun, useful lockdown action. We made videos and challenges that had followers growing food and ganja at home - reinforcing the plant medicine connection. 

I loved the Get Growing series, but this story is about co-producing a ganja review series with Yaadcore that left me on a different kind of high! 

For the few who still haven’t heard of Yaadcore, he is a Jamaican producer and selector, turned artist with his single, Nyquill, which smashed the Jamaican scene late last year. 

I’ve known him since early Reggae Revival days when I attended and later hosted his signature event Dubwise at Nanook – Kingston’s first creative hub. 

Over the years I’ve watched his growth in Rastafari faith, locks and the entertainment business, so when he approached me earlier this year with an idea for a ganja review series it was a simple sell. 

Itopia Life presents Yaadcore’s Spliff A Light Spliff Strain Review series, will be taking place on Fridays and Sundays running from October 23rd to November 15th. Filmed at Itopia Life’s flagship location at 10a West Kings’ House Road, where director Perry Henzell filmed The Harder They Come, which remains a source of inspiration. Each episode is under 15 minutes and features Yaadcore smoking and giving social commentary on a different Itopia Life ganja strain. It is high-ly entertaining (every pun intended), as Yaadcore seamlessly weaves together bits of Jamaican ganja history as well as Itopian lifestyle and usage tips into each relaxed review.  

While the international ganja game continues to be played, new elements like this could change the game for Jamaica. Real information is what will shake off the darkness of Reefer Madness propaganda, which is at the root of many long-held local prejudices. 

So, I’ll continue to write articles, give news interviews and do my part to equip Jamaicans, and the rest of the world, with the greater awareness needed to make positive societal shifts. Being a part of Yaadcore’s vision to introduce the world to his Nyquill is also another real way to shine a light on the healing of our ganja.  

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Itopia Life presents Yaadcore’s Spliff A Light Spliff Strain Review episode 1 - Coming Friday 23rd October

Sherry Collins