Let's make things

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Join us for an evening of conversation and weaving with Pitch Cool Tabara N’Diaye, founder of La Basketry, on Wednesday the 25th of November, 19:00 – 20:00 BST. 

We will learn the basics of weaving a coiled coaster using cotton rope and jute twine.  

We are keeping this super intimate, so there is only space for 25 guests - I would love to see you, it’s been a while.

A mini-kit with all the tactile materials needed will be sent to your home, ahead of the workshop, so you will need to book up by latest Thursday the 19th of November. 

And yes, it is a workshop via Zoom while sipping wine, having a catch-up and making things.

Cost is £20 (special offer for our members).

This event is in the past.

Sherry Collins